Jujutsu Kaisen

Jujutsu Kaisen (Sorcery Fight) is a dark urban fantasy anime of 2020. It’s an adaptation of the manga of the same name. And one of the shows which gained a quick footing among the popular anime and captured the shounen audience worldwide.

This read is about

  • What makes Jujutsu Kaisen popular?
  • Is it a masterpiece or just over-hyped?
  • Is Jujutsu Kaisen your must story?

Average rating across different platforms.


is Jujutsu Kaisen your must story?

Jujutsu Kaisen is a must watch

  • If you’re craving for some top-notch action sequences.
  • If you like shounen anime (young characters, action, and humor).
  • If you’re looking for good animation.

Spoiler Alert, if you haven’t watched the show, there are slight spoilers of the initial episodes. And this reading will be a quick dive into the insights of just the first season, which is foundational and quiet enough to speak volumes for rest of the upcoming season.

what makes Jujutsu Kaisen popular?

  • Characters

Characters are vital for popularity, especially in anime. And sometimes, even if a story is weak but with just one striking character, helps to gain the upper hand over other shows. Similarly, Jujutsu Kaisen adheres to the same age-old character formula as the underdog or overpowered character, mysterious antagonist, supporting and side characters for elevating the protagonist.
The character distribution is built to make it favorable, but it needs an edge to outshine other similar anime.
The edge here comes with the characters like Satoru Gojo, embodying the paradoxical temperament of carefree and mysterious. Itadori with Sukuna, a dual personality of good and evil, and other supporting characters with influential pasts who are figuring their way out.

  • Production Value

The production value was thoroughly appreciated in most of the reviews. The production value here is the quality of animation, the action, the score, and the direction or presentation of anime. These are self-evident when you watch, which played a significant role in its popularity. People do like a good quality anime. But production value highly depends on studios, budgets and artists involved.

  • Concept

The concept was not entirely new. We can find similar types when we dig into this urban fantasy genre of anime. But the take on it was different, built around the gothic theme and a dark power system with loads of potential to be explored, which makes the audience anticipate more in terms of progress and development of character.

it’s a masterpiece or overhyped?

The rating and popularity certainly indicate it to be a masterpiece, but in fact, it’s rather over-hyped. If you take apart the production value of it, then it’s more like any other shounen anime. While going through the reviews, the people who liked the show were defending it, considering the quality and sheer entertainment.
That brings us to these 3 categories, which can easily explain the purpose.

  1. Commercial
  2. Artistic
  3. Commercial Artistic

Any show, regardless of its medium, can fall into any of these 3 categories. Which can be specifically made for the intended audience. Jujutsu Kaisen quite leans towards the commercial category. This category includes certain time-tested formulas, tropes, and inspiration from other popular shows. Not all commercially intended anime can be popular, but when done right, they are easier to be a big name than these other categories.

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